Wet barrel hydrants
A complete line of wet barrel hydrants designed for high flows and low maintenance.

Series 24 Wet Barrel Fire Hydrant
The American AVK Series 24 Wet Barrel fire hydrant meets or exceeds the AWWA C503 Standards and is UL listed and FM approved.
Series 24 Wet Barrel Fire Hydrant

Series 24 Stainless Steel Wet Barrel Hydrants
The American AVK Series 24 Stainless Steel Wet Barrel fire hydrant meets or exceeds the AWWA C503 Standards and is UL listed and FM approved.
Series 24

Series 24 FlowGuard II Hydrant Check Valve
The AVK FlowGuard II™, bi-directional check valve, is designed with safety in mind.
Series 24 FlowGuard Wet Barrel Check Valve

Series 24 Wet Barrel Hydrant Accessories
American AVK manufactures a complete range of wet barrel hydrant accessories.
Hydrant Accessories