Series 24 Stainless Steel Wet Barrel Fire Hydrants
The American AVK Series 24 Stainless Steel Wet Barrel fire hydrant meets or exceeds the AWWA C503 Standards and is UL listed and FM approved. The AVK Series 24 Wet Barrel Fire Hydrants are offered in corrosion resistant Cast 304 Stainless Steel in 2-way and 3-way configurations. The AVK Series 24 Stainless Steel Wet Barrel fire hydrants are certified to NSF 61 and NSF 372, meeting all requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
One-Piece Valve Disc
- The bronze-cored valve discs are completely encapsulated in XNBR rubber to ensure a good seal and chemical resistance. The rubber has a superior “memory” to maintain its original shape after a stone is trapped in the rubber.
- The disc is mounted to the stem using stainless steel thrust collars and thrust nut to enable the disc to stop rotating (to act as a clutch) when it contacts the bronze nozzle seat and still enable the operator to continue to turn the bronze stem in order to tighten the seal.
- Cast from high-strength, low-lead, low-zinc bronze for high strength and high corrosion and de-zincification resistance.
- “Dummy” Operating Nut
- Made of ductile iron to resist damage from hydrant operating wrenches, the pentagonal dummy nuts are available in sizes from 1.125” up through 1.75”.
Outlet Nozzles
- Easily replaceable in the field, made of high-strength, low-lead, low-zinc bronze to comply with the AWWA standard requirements for materials and strength.
- “Quarter turn” installation for easy maintenance of the nozzles.
- O-ring sealed to nozzle section for leak prevention. Hose and pumper nozzle threads can be machined to match any thread specification.
- All seals are O-ring type made of NBR rubber to resist attack from volatile organic compounds.
- The caps gaskets are an NBR, flat type that have scalloped edges that allow air pressure to vent from under the cap as required by the AWWA C503 standard.
Base Flange
- All wet barrel hydrant bodies have been designed so that the standard AWWA C503 six-bolt pattern can be drilled or, as an option, the ANSI eight-bolt or San Diego six-bolt pattern can be drilled.
Serial number
- Every hydrant has a coded serial number engraved on the cast-on pentagon of the pumper stem to provide complete traceability during the life of the hydrant.
- Available in fusion bonded, epoxy powder coated to meet the AWWA C550 coating requirements.
- After assembly, the exterior of the body, caps and dummy nuts of the hydrant are painted to the customers color scheme with a UV resistant paint.
Quality Assurance
- AVK wet barrel hydrants built in Minden, Nevada are designed and built to the AWWA C503 standard.
- AVK stainless-steel wet barrel hydrants are listed by Underwriters Laboratory (UL). American AVK Company is certified to comply with the ISO 9001 Quality Standard and the ISO 14001 Environmental Quality Standard.
- New AVK hydrant upgrades and innovations are purposely designed to be able to fit into older AVK hydrants. This takes the guesswork out of ordering replacement parts for any AVK wet barrel hydrant.
- Light-Weight and inexpensive tool for service and repairs.
- Every hydrant built has been pressure tested to twice the rated working pressure as required by the AWWA C503 standard. “Proof-of-design” testing has been successfully performed to psi as required by UL.
- Hydrants are securely crated for shipment to prevent damage during transport.
- AVK offers the best Warranty in the industry, a full 10 years.

Series 24 Stainless Steel Wet Barrel Hydrant Price List

Series 24 Wet Barrel Hydrant Field Maintenance & Instruction Manual Post-2017

Series 24 Wet Barrel Hydrant Field Maintenance & Instruction Manual Pre-2017

Series 24 Wet Barrel Hydrant Suggested Specifications

Series 24 Wet Barrel Hydrant Warranty

Series 24 Wet Barrel Hydrant Parts List - Post-2017