Dry barrel hydrants

Series 2700: Modern style dry barrel
The series 27 hydrant is our dry barrel fire hydrant, meeting or exceeding the requirements of AWWA C502, and is UL/ULC listed and FM approved.

Series 2780: Nostalgic style dry barrel
The series 27 hydrant is our dry barrel fire hydrant, meeting or exceeding the requirements of AWWA C502, and is UL/ULC listed and FM approved.

Series 67: Post/Flushing hydrant
Series 67 is our single-nozzle, post/flushing hydrant, perfect for use for flushing rural water distribution lines and for utility access to water for maintenance and other purposes.

Series 279C: FlowGuard I
Series 279C FlowGuard I prevents reverse flow through a fire hydrant, stopping intentional distribution system contamination or accidental cross connections through a fire hydrant.

Series 2747: Tamperguard
TamperGuard is a tamper resistant weathershield kit to prevent unauthorized opening or operation of American AVK Series 27 dry barrel hydrants.

Complete range of hydrant accessories
American AVK manufactures a complete range of hydrant accessories.